Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Musical training builds mental and cultural wholeness

Pitch is right-brain-intuitive, "connective" and "feminine", if you will. Rhythm is left-brain-rational, "male" and "separating". Our culture values left-brain thought- technical and "separating". Connective right-brain thought is valued somewhat, but only for the technical, competetive purposes of the connected group, usually the corporation or bureaucracy, rather than the community. We emphasise corporate cooperation and culture toward world commerce over community cooperation toward local commerce and culture. Our imbalance is reflected in popular music's mechanical rhythms.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

i googled as follows and it made me gag. it wasn't what i wanted at all.

who are these people who are 'designing' and where are all these places they are supposed to be designing, anyway? I'm not so interested in architecture. Architecture is afterward. I want culture.

Nobody thinks the way i do about all this. The wikipedia entry on 'neo-tribalism' gets some of my thoughts. Forming a deliberate community seems difficult, and fraught with kookiness. What we are after is not a cult, not a religion. It is not a 'technicoligically contrived internet 'community' tribe of geeks who meet in chat-blog places. It is not survivalism, not anti goverment anti UN conspiricacy theoryism. It is certainly not white supremacist. It is more like a small town. food co-opish... 'you can't go back' yeah, but it is still about the Land. Land. Land. work and land is all we have. The earth, your neighbor, together working. some 'system' competition, but by deliberate intent, not some god of blind force we worship and bow down to, no, it bows down to us, we are the lords of the impersonal forces, the "crown of creation" and He regained the lordship for us when we lost it- real doing business, but a different way of culturally conceiving of it, of investing it, of grouping it, cooperating to form it, more local, alot of it, but not exclusively local... not all globalism and big structure is bad, common...not anarchism, no, no... not even libertarianism... it has to do with balance, (left-right brain balance?) a more musical culture, really. creating a musical culture. yeah. oh, and, well, Him, behind it. We can do nothing without Him.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Smart Babies, Toddlers, Preschoolers-

Informal 'mini-lessons' prepare for formal lessons.

The two syllable system develops the ear around nursery rhyme pitch patterns (minor thirds surrounded by major seconds) transposed by perfect intervals. This teaches more about pitch (right brain) than 'do re mi' (left brain).

The two syllable system makes it easy to follow the music.

Parents and preschool teachers who take just a little time will find that their children will exeed the their investment years later.

CD with book 25 dollars, includes shipping in the USA.